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The Journal of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and Dermatology. Vol. 33, No. 2, 2020

Original Article / 원저
The Retrospective Study of 463 Patients who had Funduscopy Examination at Korean Medicine Ophthalmology
한방 안과에 내원하여 안저 검사를 시행한 환자 463명에 대한 후향적 연구 보고
J Korean Med Ophthalmol Otolaryngol Dermatol 2020;33(2):1-11.
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Trend of Clinical Trials for Intradermal Acupuncture Treatment on Dry Eye Syndrome
건성안 증후군의 피내침 치료에 대한 임상연구 동향
J Korean Med Ophthalmol Otolaryngol Dermatol 2020;33(2):12-22.
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A Clinical Analysis on Outpatients with Ear Diseases of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology & Dermatology Department at Daejeon Korean Medicine Hospital
대전한방병원 한방안이비인후피부과로 내원한 귀 질환 환자 특성 분석
J Korean Med Ophthalmol Otolaryngol Dermatol 2020;33(2):23-42.
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Development of Standardized Pattern Identification for Dizziness by Delphi Method
현훈(어지럼증) 한의표준변증안 개발을 위한 전문가 델파이 조사
J Korean Med Ophthalmol Otolaryngol Dermatol 2020;33(2):43-54.
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Clinical Research Trend for Catgut-embedding Therapy on Allergic Rhinitis
알레르기 비염의 매선 치료 임상 연구 동향
J Korean Med Ophthalmol Otolaryngol Dermatol 2020;33(2):55-69.
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The Skin Whitening Effect of Gypsum Extract using B16F10 cell lines
석고 추출물의 미백 효과
J Korean Med Ophthalmol Otolaryngol Dermatol 2020;33(2):70-82.
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Effects of Gammakdaejo-tang(GMD) on DNCB induced Atopic Dermatitis in Mice
감맥대조탕이 DNCB로 유발된 생쥐의 아토피피부염에 미치는 영향
J Korean Med Ophthalmol Otolaryngol Dermatol 2020;33(2):83-99.
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Anti-inflammatory mechanism and Anti-oxidant Effects of Naesohwangryun-tang in LPS-Stimulated RAW 264.7 Macrophage Cells
LPS로 유도된 RAW 264.7 대식세포주에서 內疎黃連湯의 항염증 기전 및 항산화 효능 연구
J Korean Med Ophthalmol Otolaryngol Dermatol 2020;33(2):100-111.
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Review Article / 종설
A Review on Patterns and Classification Criteria of Psoriasis by analyzing Chinese Theses
중국 논문에 나타난 건선의 변증 분석 및 변증체계에 대한 고찰
J Korean Med Ophthalmol Otolaryngol Dermatol 2020;33(2):112-129.
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Case Report / 증례
A Case Report of Miller-Fisher Syndrome with Ophthalmoplegia
밀러-피셔 증후군 환자의 안근 마비 치험 1례
J Korean Med Ophthalmol Otolaryngol Dermatol 2020;33(2):130-139.
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A Case of Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis Improved by Korean Medical Treatments
한방 치료로 호전된 재발성 아프타성 구내염 치험 1례
J Korean Med Ophthalmol Otolaryngol Dermatol 2020;33(2):140-155.
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A Case Report of Verruca Vulgaris patient treated with Mahaengeuigam-tang and Trichloroacetic acid(TCA)
麻杏薏甘湯과 Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) 병행치료를 이용한 심상성 사마귀의 한방 치험 1례
J Korean Med Ophthalmol Otolaryngol Dermatol 2020;33(2):156-163.
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A Case report of Ulcer Occurred in Anus and Vulva
항문 및 외음부 궤양 치험 1례
J Korean Med Ophthalmol Otolaryngol Dermatol 2020;33(2):164-173.
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A Study on 3 Cases of Atopic Dermatitis in Children with Molluscum Contagiosum, Verruca Vulgaris
전염성 연속종과 보통 사마귀가 동반된 소아 아토피 피부염 3례 보고
J Korean Med Ophthalmol Otolaryngol Dermatol 2020;33(2):174-185.
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A Case of Chronic Allergic Contact Dermatitis Treated with Oryeong-san-Based Korean Medicine
五苓散 위주의 한방 치료로 호전된 만성 알레르기성 접촉피부염 치험 1례
J Korean Med Ophthalmol Otolaryngol Dermatol 2020;33(2):186-196.
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